Russians To Flock To Belarus En Masse

  • 29.09.2024, 10:23

For the New Year.

Russian tourists have been actively booking New Year tours to Belarus since August. This was reported by the press service of the Russian Union of Travel Industry, TASS reports.

According to RUTI, demand for Belarusian sanatoriums has increased by 23% compared to last year, and for hotels by 28%. The most popular tours for the winter holidays are excursion tours. They account for about 31% of the total volume of bookings of excursion tours for the holidays.

“The New Year's Journey to Minsk tour from December 31 to January 2 is especially popular with tourists. Its cost starts from 57,800 [about 2 thousand Belarusian rubles] rubles for two, excluding transportation costs. Of the excursion tours, the most popular are programs lasting five to seven days, covering several cities (Minsk, Mir, Niasvizh, Brest, Hrodna, Lida, etc.). As last year, bus tours from Moscow are actively booked,” the Russian Union of Travel Industry (RUTI) reported.

There is an increase in demand for tours to Belarus in the autumn. By the end of September this year, 25% more reservations were made for sanatoriums, 72% more for hotels in Minsk, and 55% more for excursion tours around the country. A number of local health resorts are completely full in October. The average duration of a tour to a sanatorium is 10-12 days. But in general, there is no shortage of places in sanatoriums until the end of autumn, the RUTI reported.

The cost of excursion tours has increased by 5-10% compared to last year.

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