Electricity Cut Off To Thousands Of Minsk Residents For Non-Payment

  • 26.09.2024, 9:04

The water is also ‘cut off’ to many people.

Minsk utility workers have revealed how many of the capital's households fell under the cut-off of electricity and water for failure to pay. In total, more than 10.5 thousand flats were subjected to such sanctions, reported the state-owned Minsk City Housing Enterprise.

On September 1, 9012 dwellings in Minsk were disconnected from electricity for debts. Officially, it's called the suspension of ‘maintenance of the electric board’.

As for Minskvodakanal, it stopped providing water supply service in 1546 flats.

In another 11 cases, ‘maintenance of the locking and intercom system’ was suspended to Minsk residents. That is, the intercom was switched off for non-payment.

‘There are 7856 enforcement documents against debtors,’ reported the communal workers.

As noted in the organisation of housing and communal services, the documents are sent to the work of debtors, and ‘this has an effect’. The petitions were satisfied in almost nine thousand cases - they arrested money on accounts, property, cash, restricted travelling. All of this was done in order to achieve payment of debts.

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