Khartiia Captured Experienced Wagnerites

  • 26.09.2024, 8:38

One of them took part in the march on Moscow in 2023.

Ukrainian National Guard captured a participant in the Wagnerite uprising in the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv direction. The press service of the Kharkiv Operational and Tactical Group shared the details on September 25.

13th Khartiia Brigade of the NGU replenished the exchange fund in the Kharkiv direction. Two Russian occupiers surrendered themselves, the defenders unexpectedly captured the other two in a firefight.

"All the prisoners are former prisoners, two of them are experienced Wagnerites. One of the Wagnerites, in particular, took part in Prigozhin's march on Moscow," the command reported.

The prisoners of war said that due to the constant fire exposure of the Defence Forces, they had to walk a long distance just to get to the line of combat. In addition, due to fire control over the logistics routes, the Russian Armed Forces cannot supply themselves with food and water.

“Because of this, they drank water from puddles,” the press service reported the prisoners’ complaint.

It is noted that the reconnaissance and attack drones of the National Guard also do not allow the Russians to accumulate forces for mass attacks.

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