Belarusian: Meat, Dairy Industry Collapses

  • 25.09.2024, 11:21

The other day it was recognised by high-ranking Lukashists.

A reader writes about the problems in the Belarusian agriculture:

Valery Skrypkin, deputy director of the State Statistics Committee, reports that there are farms which have not had any milking stock for more than 10 years.

There are 9 thousand vacant cattle places in the country now. But this does not prevent the regime from building 60 new meat and dairy complexes. The ‘money’ will not appear on its own.

Deputy Prime Minister Yury Shuleika said that modern meat processing plants, for example, in Vorsha and Hlubokaye, are loaded at 30-50%, are not self-supporting and can't repay the loans. There is simply not enough livestock for slaughtering and processing. In addition, Western markets are cut off by sanctions, Russia is buying at minimal prices, and bans are constantly imposed on products because of quality.

If we add low wages in the meat and dairy industry and a catastrophic shortage of personnel, we get a complete ‘strong-farm beauty’.

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