EU Calls To Prepare For Possible War With Russia

  • 23.09.2024, 15:23

Brussels wants to cooperate with Ukrainian arms manufacturers.

The first EU Commissioner for Defense Andrius Kubilius is calling on countries to create minimum stockpiles of ammunition, saying that this is the best way to prepare the bloc's military industry for war.

According to the British daily Financial Times, Kubilius, who will take up the post this year if the European Parliament approves his candidacy, said that the EU should prepare for a Russian attack within a few years.

He compared his plan to similar agreements on natural gas, according to which countries must store stockpiles and, if necessary, share them with their neighbors.

Andrius Kubilius also wondered why EU countries do not have military security criteria that would require keeping a certain amount of artillery shells and gunpowder in warehouses.

The EU commissioner also said he did not intend to duplicate NATO's role on security issues and expressed a desire to work more closely with Ukrainian arms manufacturers, as drones and missiles have transformed the modern battlefield.

“They have real experience,” Kubilius stressed, referring to Ukrainian arms manufacturers.

He also warned that there was no time to waste, citing a German assessment that Russia could be ready to attack an EU member state by 2029.

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