Cannibals Are Back

  • Igor Eidman
  • 23.09.2024, 10:58

Putin's Russia left Central Africa behind.

The Russian army has become an army of cannibals in the truest sense of the word. Russia has become the first country in modern history where cannibals have been declared heroes: memorial desks of cannibals in classrooms, their portraits on the honor board. I wouldn't be surprised if cannibals are elected to the Duma, like the poisoner Lugovoi was before.

Idi Amin and Bokassa secretly ate their opponents. This was the secret privilege of dictators. Putin's Russia has outdone Central Africa. In Russia, every one of Putin's foot soldiers can kill and eat people openly and with impunity.

The media reports that maniac Dmitry Malyshev has returned to Russia from the war.

Malyshev was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the murder of a man and an act of cannibalism (the man cut out and ate the heart of his victim).

However, he served only 8 years and went to "be a hero" in the war, and now he went on leave due to injury...

Well, he'll eat someone else on leave - no big deal, he'll go to war again.

Igor Eidman, Telegram

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