‘Russian Army Will Be Wiped Out’

  • 21.09.2024, 10:31

The former CIA chief spoke about the response to a nuclear strike on Ukraine.

In 2022, the United States warned Russia that if nuclear weapons were used against Ukraine, Washington would deal a powerful blow to its military forces, said former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency David Petraeus.

According to the Onet publication, in 2022, Petraeus told American media that the United States was ready to destroy the entire Russian Black Sea Fleet, as well as all Russian ground and air forces located on Ukrainian territory.

As specified in the publication, Washington did not threaten Moscow directly, so it transmitted its warning through Petraeus. The communique that he passed to the Russian side contained a detailed description of a strike on Russian targets using hundreds of cruise missiles that would be launched from American aircraft and submarines.

According to the former head of the CIA, Russia was dissuaded from using nuclear weapons thanks to the tough, but at the same time cautious position of the United States, backed up by other countries. At the same time, head of the CIA William Burns recently stated that in 2022, at the time of the autumn counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, there was a real risk of the aggressor country Russia launching a strike on Ukraine with tactical nuclear weapons.

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