Syrsky's Individual Style: Ukrainian Armed Forces Use New Method Of Warfare

  • 21.09.2024, 8:21

The expert revealed the details.

Ukraine has begun to use a new method of warfare. Now the Ukrainian Armed Forces are waging a maneuver war, which provides serious opportunities along the entire front line. This was reported during a chat on Glavred by Azerbaijani military analyst and expert in the field of defense and security, Agil Rustamzade.

He notes that the Ukrainian military can carry out operations that allow them to reach an important infrastructure facility or cut off the enemy's highway junction. The Ukrainian Armed Forces can also change the balance of forces and resources in some part of the front.

“That is why I noted Syrsky's individual style above — unpredictability. It is difficult to guess what his next steps will be. However, the Ukrainian army has such an option: even if it leaves the Kursk region, it will have forces and resources that are trained to conduct a maneuver war. So operations similar to Kursk can certainly begin in other regions of the Russian Federation,” Rustamzade said.

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