Russian Schoolchildren Go To Camp In North Korea

  • 22.07.2024, 15:22

Children are promised a “bright and vibrant program”.

The first group of Russian children went on vacation to North Korea. About 250 schoolchildren from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Orenburg regions, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky territories and Sakhalin went to the Sondovon camp. They will stay there from July 22 to August 2, the government of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation reported.

Children are promised a “bright and vibrant program”: sailing, watching 3D films, archery, mountaineering, taekwondo and drawing. Football, volleyball and table tennis games are also planned.

In addition, schoolchildren will participate “in events that strengthen the friendship of the two countries,” including celebrating “Russia Day” and “Korea Day.” “They bring national attributes with them to show the children from the DPRK the culture of Russia in full glory,” the authorities noted. In the photo, some teenagers are holding balalaikas.

During the shift, children will be sent on an excursion to Pyongyang, where they will visit the Central Zoo, the Natural History Museum and the Rynra amusement park. They will also be taken to the Masikren ski resort and ride on a cable car.

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