Russians Claimed Feat Of Ukrainian Hero As Their Own

  • 24.06.2024, 18:02

A Ukrainian fearlessly fought two occupiers.

Russians tried to take credit for the feat of a Ukrainian defender who fearlessly fought two occupiers at once.

We are talking about the driver of the Third Assault Brigade, Oleksiy Rodin, a video of whom was published on social media by journalist Yuriy Butusov.

The released footage shows how the Ukrainian, moving along a trench, engages in close combat with the invaders who found themselves in his path and emerges victorious, having eliminated two enemy soldiers at once.

In turn, the Kremlin propagandists, amazed by his heroism, decided to claim the Ukrainian as their own soldier in order to once again appropriate someone else's achievement.

As evidence in favor of their fake, they noted that the fighter had a white bandage on his hand, however, as Rodin himself said, these were not insignia, but bandages with which he wrapped his wounds.

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