Defender Of Ukraine Beheaded By Occupiers In Donbas Has Been Identified

  • 19.06.2024, 12:21

The Russian commanders who gave the criminal order have also been identified.

The identity of the defender of Ukraine, whose brutal murder in the Donetsk region became known yesterday, has been established.

This was reported by the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin.

“We cannot tell his name now, since the procedures for the final confirmation of his data are ongoing," the Prosecutor General specified.

Kostin also noted that the Russian commanders potentially responsible for the beheading of the Ukrainian defender have been identified. A series of measures are being taken to verify this information.

“This fact is yet another confirmation that complete disregard for international law and universal morality is the state policy of the terrorist country Russia. Every world leader who shakes hands with Putin must realize that they are shaking hands with a person who approves of barbaric murders,” Kostin emphasized.

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