Commander-in-Chief Syrsky: Russians Are Attacking Along The Entire Front

  • 12.06.2024, 12:11

The main strikes are in two directions.

The Russian army continues to conduct various offensive operations along the entire front line in Ukraine, focusing its main efforts on the directions of Pokrovsk and Kurakhovsk.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrsky said.

Russia concentrated the largest number of its assault troops from eight strike brigades in the Pokrovsk and Kurakhovsk directions. However, according to Syrsky, the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "courageously restrain the movement of the enemy forward."

He noted that the fighting continues in the areas of Chasiv Yar, Kleshchiivka and Kalynivka. The occupiers are trying to seize these settlements to expand the geography of their advance towards Kramatorsk and Slaviansk.

"The enemy unsuccessfully stormed Belohorivka, which became an eloquent example of the resilience of the Ukrainian troops in the Luhansk region. The enemy rushes to Seversk from two directions, but each time it rolls back, leaving the corpses of its soldiers," the Commander-in-Chief said.

At the same time, in the Kharkiv direction, the Russians are conducting unsuccessful actions, trying to move forward into the depths of the combat formations of the Ukrainian forces and create the so-called "security belt".

Syrsky noted that in Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region, the enemy was bogged down, despite the forces and means attracted, which they constantly replenished at the expense of units from other directions.

In the Zaporizhzhia direction, the aggressor state is carrying out an offensive in the Staromajorske and Robotine districts, but with no success. At the same time, in the area of Krynki, the situation did not significantly change as for positions of the sides.

The Commander-in-Chief stressed that the tasks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are now to maintain the occupied lines and positions, to prevent the breakthrough of the defence, to maximize the destruction of enemy manpower and weapons. He noted that the Ukrainian forces need to achieve an advantage, reduce losses, change the defensive and offensive psychology.

"To do this, we are focusing on improving the quality of training with units that undergo combat coordination, during which the issues of combating enemy drones and protection from them, movement on the battlefield, the use of electronic warfare, the evacuation of the wounded and many other issues that are relevant in modern combat are being worked out," Syrsky added.

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