Ukrainian Pilot: Moscow Transferred Combat Helicopters To Kyiv

  • 13.02.2024, 18:15

To carry out combat missions to destroy the Russian army.

The Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia conducted searches at the office of the Federal Air Transport Agency. Agency employees are accused of “hijacking” helicopters and planes that ended up in other countries.

To what extent is the Russian military-industrial complex affected by corruption? The website spoke about this with a military expert, colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and instructor pilot Roman Svitan:

— We can’t talk about corruption in its pure form here. They sell their products through third countries. Here we can say that the structures in the FSB that control this segment of production and the market “sagged”, overlooked and allowed this to happen.

This is good for us Ukrainians. Let them continue to drink, and in the meantime we will steal their equipment. After all, we use old Soviet technology. Sometimes donors are needed for spare parts. It happens that there is a non-flying helicopter, but it is very necessary, since it is a storehouse of spare parts for other helicopters that can still fly.

— Could some of the helicopters and planes really end up in Ukraine?

— More than a dozen sides for sure. You see, they didn’t take helicopters from Moscow and bring them to Kyiv. They were shipped to one country, then to another, and in the end Ukraine received them.

The question is how this scheme was launched initially, was it specifically by Ukrainian services with the participation of Russian ones? Maybe it just happened that way? Now let the Russians think about this mechanism.

If you look, the general mechanism is this: Moscow transferred combat helicopters to Kyiv to carry out combat missions to destroy the Russian army. Well, let's work.

— What areas of the Russian military-industrial complex may still be affected by corruption?

— Almost everyone, including the FSB. That is, any regulatory body. As they say, if you can’t buy something for big money, then you can buy it for very big money.

The entire Russian economy is built on corruption. And, let’s say, it’s allowed. Turn off corruption — the Russian economy simply won’t work. In Russia, the entire system of public administration is based on theft.

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