'Even Ukrainians Are Surprised By This Behavior Of Belarusian Regime'

  • 7.10.2024, 13:48

The political scientist spoke about Lukashenka's duplicity.

Lukashenka made a trip to the Pinsk district of the Belarusian Brest region. There, the dictator told local residents about contacts with Kyiv and "readiness to rebuild Ukrainian cities".

How are these statements perceived in Ukraine? spoke about this with the famous Ukrainian political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko, the head of the Penta Center for Applied Political Studies:

— This shows the political nature of Lukashenka. Ukraine is already a little used to it. However, sometimes such political cynical duplicity of Lukashenka causes bewilderment and rejection.

When he supports Putin's war against Ukraine, and even, albeit indirectly, became an accomplice in the war, but allegedly stands for peace, he sheds crocodile tears. His typical duplicity.

But his another side manifests itself. He always maneuvers between different strong players depending on the political situation. He's doing it now. Lukashenka sees that the war between Russia and Ukraine is approaching a climax, negotiations on the end of the war are possible. The dictator clearly wants to, let's say, show that he is "for peace".

Lukashenka adapts to the situation, which manifests itself not only in the course of the war, but also in the West, and in the international situation as a whole. Besides, since China is for peace, he should be too.

Hence the statements of readiness to "participate in the restoration of Ukraine". Let him want it, but who will give it to you if there is no trust.

I would highlight two more important points that, in my opinion, affect his maneuvers. Firstly, Lukashenka feels and knows that Belarusians are against the war. So he tries to play on these moods, saying, "I am also against it."

Classical political populism, it adapts to the public mood. Another important motive is that now the risks of prosecution have begun to increase for Lukashenka.

It was reported that Lithuania appealed to the International Criminal Court charging Lukashenka with crimes against humanity. Although this is a potential risk, it is already a reputational blow for him.

It is very noticeable that some of Lukashenka's actions (the release of a number of political prisoners, gestures to Ukraine) are aimed at the West. This is an attempt to remove some of the responsibility for the war against Ukraine and show, they say, do not take tough actions against me.

To sum up: Lukashenka's duplicitous nature and political maneuvers are manifested, which are due to the current situation not only around Russia's war with Ukraine, but also around Lukashenka himself.

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