No Putin, No Problem

  • El Murid
  • 5.10.2024, 11:58

And no one will waste time on Lavrov.

The G20 summit will be held in Rio de Janeiro on November 18-19. A formal invitation has already been sent to Putin, but with the highest degree of probability, he will not go there, sending Lavrov instead.

In reality, the format of the G20 is not in the agenda of the meeting itself - as a rule, not all participants have time to speak out on it, time limits simply do not allow for any thoughtful discussion of even one issue, and usually about three to five important ones are brought up at the meeting and several more are mentioned or touched upon.

Summits of this kind (one can mention APEC in Asia) are primarily informal meetings of leaders without an official visit to each other. Most important matters are decided one-on-one in the "backstage" format.

That is why sending an official, even if he is an important one, closes the main part of the event and the meaning of attending such meetings for Russia. No one will discuss anything with Lavrov; at best, he can act as a carrier pigeon.

Putin's refusal to go to Rio will most likely be received by Brazilians with undisguised relief. At least because even if we do not take into account the story of the arrest under the ICC warrant (it's clear that no one will arrest him, but they will have to somehow get out of it), Putin's very presence can cause unwanted excesses that the hosts of the meeting do not need at all. For example, Western leaders will demonstratively refuse to take part in some general meeting, refuse to be photographed or make some kind of demarche. So, no Putin, no problem. Of course, no one will waste time on Lavrov, he is not the equal of presidents and prime ministers, and therefore no one will take any "unfriendly" steps towards him, they will simply ignore him.

El Murid, Telegram

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