Belarus Faces Critical Situation In Agriculture

  • 26.10.2024, 5:36

The details.

This fall, Belarus faces a critical situation with winter crop sowing and corn harvesting. Agricultural organizations have serious problems with equipment, fertilizers, personnel, and even seeds. The State Control Committee gave this assessment in a letter to the “council of ministers” in mid-October. The document was obtained by Zerkalo.

On September 18, the State Control Committee sent the “council of ministers” a document “On problems with the progress of field work” signed by Deputy Chairman Stanislau Narkevich. The control agency is concerned that the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, regional and district executive committees are not coping with the harvesting of corn and straw, as well as the sowing of winter crops. The State Control Committee believes that there is a risk of failure to complete the work on time.

— The most critical situation is with the sowing of winter grain crops, which is worse than last year, — the letter emphasizes.

The deputy chairman of the State Control Committee refers to information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, according to which, as of September 18, Belarusian farmers have sown only 36.9% of the winter crop plan.

— As a result, some areas will be sown after the agrotechnical deadlines, which may lead not only to a shortfall in the harvest, but often to its destruction, — Narkevich believes.

The letter lists the reasons that led to the emergence of a critical situation in agriculture. Among them are the lack of equipment for harvesting and sowing in some farms, a shortage of personnel, and sometimes seeds.

During the inspection, inspectors also discovered that in a number of farms, sowing took place without the application of mineral fertilizers or with violation of their calculated doses, the fields were not prepared properly everywhere, and the equipment was not adjusted. This, the State Control Committee claims, will affect the reduction of the future winter crop harvest.

The State Control Committee is no less concerned about the situation with the timing of the corn harvest. As of September 18, farms had only managed to harvest 43.5% of the area. According to the inspectors' calculations, it would have taken a month or more to complete the work. As a result, the inspectors expect a significant deterioration in the quality of the feed made from this crop.

— The low harvesting rates are due to the fact that in many agricultural organizations, some of the forage harvesters are out of order, and in some farms, harvesting is being held back by a lack of fuel. In addition, when preparing silage from corn, a number of farms violate the technology, — the deputy chairman of the State Control Committee stated.

In conclusion of the letter, Stanislau Narkevich demanded that the government, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and executive committees take urgent measures to resolve the problems raised and inform the State Control Committee about this.

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