'It Looks Like Luka Will Be Removed Soon'

  • 24.10.2024, 16:01

That's what Belarusians think about the upcoming "elections".

Lukashenka said that he would participate in the so-called "presidential elections". He said this in an interview with Russian propagandist Olga Skabeeva on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in Kazan.

The so-called "presidential elections" in Belarus will be held on January 26, 2025.

The website looked at how Belarusians perceived this news:

"Time is changing, there will be changes in Lukomorye as well. Lukashenka is a very weak politician, under which the population of Belarus decreased to 7 million people, and there were 9.5 million in 1994. Factories were killed, and young people, promising ones and IT specs – thy left! The fed Kremlin grunting boar Luka [dictator Lukashenka - Ed.] has become like an inflated balloon because of overeating!"

"The uniqueness of the current regime of my country lies in the fact that it is an extremely primitive parasitic regime, the structures of which are narrowed at one person, exclusively for the personal enrichment of his family. This special group of officials with a corrupt mindset does not produce anything: neither spiritual nor material values, nor services, but only breeds corruption that corrodes the country's economy. It is the redistribution and appropriation of goods created by society. They are not even capable of governing, but only of violence, terror and robbery.”

"As everyone pointed out, the first reason is the fear of holding elections in the warm season. And the second is that he can really die soon, so I moved the election date from February 23 to January 26."

"Well, as for me, I don't need such a candidate. He did not justify the trust. He costs really a lot, and he gives no benefit to society. Only for himself beloved. And, as it turns out, he has a certificate. So it's better without him than with him. ”

"He is also in a hurry because Vovan's [dictator Putin - Ed.] situation is shaky. Rather, he promised to help with disguised 'mobilized' at the meeting. But if Vovchik pushed for this, then there may be a trap: the mobilized will come, but in case of unrest they will go to plan B, remove Lukashenka 'at the will of the people of Belarus', and there a gauleiter will be appointed, 'referendum' is also possible."

"On the most frosty day at -20, the people will be at home, boycott and do not go. It's just that the authorities have gone crazy and are treating their people as cattle."

“Any dictator will hold out until the end, and so will Putler. They are well aware that 140% of the "support" of the population is a lie. So for them, it's now a matter of personal physical survival.”

“The space has been cleared so that even approved clowns have a hard time collecting signatures, as the cleansing of past signature sheets continues to this day. Even the Yabatski [Lukashenka's supporters - Ed.] will say, "Oh, no, we are not fools."

“Lukashenka swore by children and broke his oath. The farther, the harder the karma of the Lukashenka family becomes.”

“Is this the one who had enough power? Masandra, where are the host's white slippers?”

"Immediately after the self-elections, Lukanomics will slap. It has to survive before the elections. Or some new misfortune is being prepared."

"I suppose there will be no alternative? Or will Sobchak be given Belarusian citizenship to participate?"

"Last time they had to falsify only the votes. And in this "election' it will be necessary to falsify the turnout and votes. At best, 3% will come. Oh, Luka really does not like this nickname '3%'!"

"The time is approaching when the fate of the country will be decided by Belarusians, and not by a half-decayed impostor. Get ready everyone!"

“It looks like Luka will soon be removed, as Khrushchev was removed in October 1964.”

"This creature [dictator Lukashenka - Ed.] understands that his health deteriorates every day, barely walks, the head shakes, falls, barely have time to pick up. The economy is falling, today it is kept artificially, they reported that there is NO further WAY. So he ordered the "elections". Also, the war is not going according to plan, the AFU strikes hard. Lukashenka, a naive creature, thinks that if he jumps to the throne earlier, it will save his fat. There are so many historical examples. It won't help. Anything can happen: “Man proposes and God disposes.” One thing is clear: it will never be like before. God loves reform (so do we).”

“Belarus will be a cool country in the family of European nations. It deserved it. That will happen soon. History runs the showl, and it is on the side of this long-suffering nation. It'll be fine. It is the fact."

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