Lukashenka Can No Longer Hide His Illness

  • 21.10.2024, 11:50

The dictator has turned into a decrepit and sick man.

Lukashenka made strange statements while attending the ‘Dazhynki-2024’ festival-fair in Valozhyn on October 19.

The dictator said he was not sure whether he would ‘see Valozhyn again’.

Lukashenka is increasingly hinting at his health problems. reminds that only this year the dictator has twice complained about his health:

On July 7, he said that he was finding it increasingly difficult to fly:

‘I would like to share my thoughts with you. They will probably be very important for you. The month of July is always a difficult time for me. There are so many mass events. And the hardest thing is when there is a huge number of people, and everyone looking at you is looking for something in you: in some places cursing... in some places something else. And this huge number of people affects a person very much, especially such events as parade and other solemn events. And there is an additional load connected with Kazakhstan, Astana, 4,000 kilometres away. I say this because the days are difficult,’ said the dictator.

On August 2, Lukashenka admitted that his leg sometimes hurts:

‘I'm not saying it's perfect. Well, sometimes I limp, my leg hurts. They can't repair my joint. But where you can't walk, you can drive there. With health - I knock on wood. When I say that my health is normal, something is bound to happen,’ he said.

What Could Be Lukashenka's Illness?

For a long time Aliaksandr Lukashenka's health has been virtually a mystery for the Belarusian society, except for occasional infopods in the media.

The interest in the health of the usurper directly concerns the state interests. According to Article 11 of the law ‘On the President of the Republic of Belarus,’ Aliaksandr Lukashenka can be ‘prematurely dismissed from office in case of persistent inability to fulfil his duties due to health reasons’.

Many resources claim that Lukashenka has a whole bunch of diseases, which are becoming more and more frequent with age.

Diabetes Mellitus

This disease has been attributed to Lukashenka for quite a long time. They say that the ruler has a protracted form of the disease. Someone referred to the swollen feet, saying that one of the family photos shows ulcers in the area of the dictator's shins, and a toe on his right foot was amputated. Some people then speculated that Lukashenka had 3rd degree diabetes with late complications.

Prostate Cancer

EUobserver has written about Lukashenka's prostate cancer. ‘In February 2010, Aliaksandr Lukashenka was in Switzerland, where he underwent surgery on the prostate, a high-ranking diplomat in the European Union told,’ wrote the publication.

Political analyst Dzmitry Balkunets once said that Lukashenka was setting up a commission to deal with his own funeral, which had already been scheduled by the minute. Minsk has thus decided to follow the example of the late USSR, where general secretaries decided ‘where to bury the leader,’ and Lukashenka has already spent fifteen years treating his diseased prostate, which he had operated on in Europe back in 2010.


Russian political scientist Valery Solovey, citing sources, said that doctors once managed to save Lukashenka after a stroke. Doctors saved the life of the ruler, who had already suffered a number of microstrokes that damaged the dictator's facial expressions. Before that, Solovey claimed that Lukashenka was saved by Chinese medics, and that the dictator had clearly had more strokes.


During the examination for appointing to the post of collective farm chairman, Lukashenka was diagnosed with ‘mosaic psychopathy’, and in 1978 the head of the Mahiliou regional foodstore, where the future ruler worked as a Komsomol secretary, sent the latter to be examined again ‘in connection with inadequate behaviour’. Lukashenka was discharged from the army with this diagnosis.


In the summer of 2020, Lukashenka apologised for his voice during a speech and said that he had suffered from coronavirus. At that time, he also told soldiers that he had managed to ‘get through the infection on his feet’.

However, prior to his statement, a catheter was seen on the ruler's arm at one of the meetings, suggesting that he was still dealing with the severe effects of the infection. A bandage tied around the dictator's wrist was caught on camera.

On January 11, Lukashenka spoke in a hoarse voice about being re-infected with the coronavirus. The dictator's voice has not returned to its former range until now.

Moreover, on May 5, 2023, Lukashenka addressed the ‘front-line workers’ and law enforcement officers in a hoarse voice. The Network again put forward a version that the Belarusian dictator had caught the coronavirus.

Problems With Joints

In late summer of 2021, videos of Lukashenko's press conference appeared on the Web, where many people paid attention to the gait of the usurper - a number of media considered it quite strange.

The video also repeatedly captured the dictator barely dragging his feet, coming down from the plane.

At the parade in Moscow on May 9, 2023, Lukashenka was not able to walk to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on his own. He was driven by a car.

In 2024, the situation was repeated.

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