Ghost Of Milosevic Wandering Around Drazdy

  • 2.10.2024, 9:03

The Black Swans always arrive unexpectedly.

The ruler of Belarus has once again recalled the fate of former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, who died behind bars in The Hague, writes political analyst Aliaksandr Klaskouski on ‘Pozirk’:

‘Black Swans always arrive unexpectedly. And the turbulence in the region, the war over the southern border, and the undermining effect of Western sanctions do not let the regime's leader completely calm down.

It is clear that the ICC warrant will not add comfort. The ruler of Belarus even complained recently to Denis Pushilin, a guest from the ‘DPR’, about the attempts of his political enemies to spoil his life through The Hague.

There is probably some existential fear here. It is no coincidence that the Belarusian ruler has repeatedly expressed remorse in public about the unenviable fate of Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and other dictators.

As we can see, the political opponents of the regime are doing their best so that the ghost of Milosevic would not let Lukashenka sleep peacefully, at least.’

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