CNN: Trump Was Watching Capitol Riot On TV With Diet Coke In His Hand

  • 19.10.2024, 9:10

Unknown details of the 2021 events.

The 45th President of the United States Donald Trump learned about the storming of the Capitol after the US elections in 2021 from a White House employee, he watched the protests on TV "with a Diet Coke in his hands."

CNN reports this with reference to the materials of the criminal case about Trump's attempt to influence the elections in the country in 2020.

A special prosecutor of the US Department of Justice Jack Smith published almost 2,000 pages of the document.

As stated in the documents, on January 6, 2021, a White House employee told Trump that the TV channels refused to broadcast his speech because "there are riots in the Capitol."

“And he was, like, What do you mean? I said, It’s, like, they’re rioting there at the Capitol. And he was, like, Oh, really? And then he was like, All right, let’s go see,” the employee said.

Afterwards, they went together to watch the protests on television in the Oval Room.

“I’m taking off his outer coat that he’s wearing right now, and I get the TV, like, ready for him, and hand him over the remote, and he starts watching it... And I stepped out to get him a Diet Coke, come back in, and that’s pretty much it for me as he’s watching it and, like, seeing it for himself,” the White House official said.

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