Russian Volunteer Told How He Liquidated His Command And Sided With Ukraine

  • 18.10.2024, 12:45

Before that, he served for four months in the Storm Z unit.

A Russian with the call sign Silver joined the Russian-Ukrainian war and volunteered for the Storm Z unit, which fought in the Donbas. He supported Ukraine and acted following the secret plan of the Freedom of Russia Legion command. At some point, Silver blew up the commander and went over to the side of the Ukrainian forces. The combat path of the Russian pro-Ukrainian volunteer was told on the YouTube channel "Viddushivdushu".

In the first minutes of the conversation, Silver said that he was 24 years old and three months ago, in the summer, he was at the front in the Ocheretyne area west of Avdiivka in the Donbas. The Russian volunteered for the army and served for four months in the Storm Z unit before the transition. Former prisoners served alongside him - "convicts", who were shot to force obedience. According to him, there was a man among the Russians who volunteered to personally carry out the execution: he "cleaned up" every tenth person.

"[He shot - Ed.] every tenth person personally, right in the head, right before the formation. [They thought] maybe they would have more motivation. The commander approved," the Russian explained.

Silver also spoke about the habit of the commanders of the Russian Armed Forces to "zero out" soldiers. The main reason for such actions is the refusal to storm Ukrainian positions, escape from the trenches, refusal to return to positions, refusal to bring ammunition and pull out the wounded. According to him, this is done by the entourage of the officer who leads the unit - special people are not allocated for this.

In addition, the volunteer explained why he did not join the LSR, having left the Russian Federation abroad. According to him, this option did not suit him, so he signed a contract to immediately go over to the Ukrainian side. At the same time, "Silver" began operating in September 2023, and already in February he resolved all the issues. While going through the formalities, the Russian consulted with the legion. One of his operations at the front was emptying a mine warehouse of an adjacent unit. When he decided to end his "service", he blew up the commander of the Storm Z and crossed the front line. In the video at 34:33 there is footage of the liquidation of a Russian officer right in a dugout.

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