Andrei Pavuk: We Arm Ourselves, Train, And Then Overthrow Lukashenka Regime

  • 17.03.2023, 15:39

A well-known blogger told when Belarusians who left will be able to return to their homeland.

The Basta! Telegram channel talked to one of the most provocative Belarusian bloggers and pranksters Andrei Pavuk. Pavuk is not just a prankster, but also the author of lyrics for the ironic Belarusian group Krasnaya Zelen, which arose as a reaction to Belarusian sur-events. In Belarus, more than one criminal case has been opened against him. Pavuk was repeatedly detained, fined and arrested.

For the first time, people learned about Pavuk back in 2012, when he released a patriotic rap clip “I'm from the village!” with a schoolgirl from Aktsiabrski, who in a cheerful voice declared the slogans “Let there be prosperity! Let there be stability!”

— Andrei, you can surely be called a professional connoisseur of the Belarusian bureaucracy. Some officials and propagandists hang up the phone as soon as they hear your voice, and some do not mind talking at all. Tell us how it all started? When was your first call, and to whom it was addressed?

—The first call was in Aktsiabrski. I used “Direct Lines”. This is probably a unique service in Belarus, in other countries such an opportunity is not available everywhere. I began to use this opportunity to extract information.

— Is calling officials and propagandists a hobby, entertainment, or something more?

— This is entertainment that educates us and shows the the state of the system’s vertical as a whole.

— And what do the “people of the system” say about the war in Ukraine?

— They say they “don't fight”.

— But what about the missile strikes from the territory of Belarus, or the direct invasion that took place on February 24 last year? In your opinion, they do not want to admit and believe in it?

— There was no such thing. They didn't see anything. The sky is clear. The arguments that Lukashenka himself spoke about this do not work for them. For them, this is not a pleasant topic. They live in a different, ostentatious reality. But at the same time, of course, they are aware that this is the case, but they cannot give their assessment on this matter.

The work of the “Belarusian Peace Fund” is indicative here. When you remind them where our deductions go, why “there is no peace”. Why, at least, the words of sorrow and condolences on the website of the Belarusian Peace Fund are not indicated for Ukraine, they just say: “We are doing everything to ensure peace. We hold patriotic-military events.” And they raise some funds for the residents of the Donbas.

— In your last video, you were able to call many people, including odious propagandists Katsiaryna Krutalevich and Andrei Mukavozchyk. The question was about the damage to the aircraft in Machulishchy. Everyone either denies the incident with the plane, or refuses to comment at all. Is it fear or a “pointer” from above?

— How can they talk about failures? How can they justify themselves about missing such a diversion? They are people who work for the state. Therefore, they must say what is beneficial to the system. Another thing is that they do it ridiculously and inefficiently. You still need to be able to convince people, viewers. But they don't have the resources for it. Their only resource that they always use is violence and repression.

— Have you come across adequate officials who could surprise you?

— Yes. But I won't name them. There were those who could even joke, and it was clear where he was, what he was, and where it was right to maneuver.

— You, like many other Belarusians, left the country after the protest events and total repressions in 2020. Are you feeling homesick?

— Yes.

— And when, in your opinion, you and hundreds of thousands of other Belarusians who left the country will be able to return to their homeland, and what is needed for this?

— When the world government, and in particular the United States, solve this problem with Russia and Lukashenka, then we will be able to return.

Or another option — here, abroad, we all arm ourselves, train, and then attack the Lukashenka regime, fight and overthrow him. We die for our country. Then, probably, there will be a sense. Choose which option you like best.

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