New Shots From Site Of Liquidation Of Traitor Kiva Released

  • 7.12.2023, 8:07

Russians are looking for evidence in the snow.

New shots from the territory of the Moscow region hotel "Velich'Country Club", where the former Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Ilya Kiva was liquidated yesterday. Russian law enforcers are conducting investigative measures at the site. One of the videos was published by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

It is available on the Ukraine 365 Telegram channel.

There is now a huge number of law enforcers on the territory of the hotel. A hearse was also seen there, which, judging by the inscription, was sent from the town of Zvenigorod to move the corpse to the morgue.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation showed in the video how one of its employees works with a metal detector in the snow at the site of Kiva's alleged liquidation. It is likely that the Russians are looking for shell casings from the weapon with which the former MP was shot.

The Russian "VChK-OGPU" Telegram channel, linked to the Russian security services, assures that Kiva was shot dead in the forest park area near the hotel where he had been living for the past months.

"Kiva moved to live in a cottage on the territory of the Velich Hotel about three months ago. He was hiding his place of residence and recently started complaining to his friends about surveillance. Despite this, every day he took a walk in the forest park area. That's where the killer was waiting for him today. Despite a wound to the head, Kiva was able to walk to the territory of Velich, where he fell into the snow and died," the Russian resource wrote.

It should be noted that Kiva is a wanted man in Ukraine. He has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for state treason and other offences. The former MP supported the Russian aggression against his country. In 2022, he fled to the Russian Federation.

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