Liz Truss: The Next U.S. President Should Be Conservative Who Will Knock Russia Out

  • 28.11.2023, 16:09

The former British Prime Minister called on Washington to provide Ukraine with weapons.

The next U.S. President should be a conservative from the Republican Party, bold enough to call out hostile regimes as evil and a threat, since the world needs that kind of American leadership today, the British former PM Liz Truss writes in an article for The Wall Street Journal.

“Moscow has been lulled into a delusion that its military can stand up to Washington’s might. But the West must ensure Ukraine has the weapons it needs to deliver a knockout blow to Russia. This would send a blunt message to Russia’s authoritarian benefactors in China and Iran,” Truss writes.

The former Prime Minister said that to tilt the balance in favor of Ukraine, it is needed to ensure that Ukraine has a quantitative military advantage. She added it is also necessary to be “fast-tracking its membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”.

Truss shares an observation that too many in the Western world became complacent about the defeat of the Soviet Union in the Cold War, and believed that “victory was everlasting for freedom and democracy”. She thinks that in reality no such victories are permanent. Ms. Truss set an example: the West allowed China to join the World Trade Organization as a developing nation—on beneficial terms it enjoys to this day—as President Xi Jinping proceeded to make himself “president for life”, “clamped down on democracy and freedom of speech in Hong Kong and presided over human-rights abuses in Xinjiang province”.

“Meantime Iran is backing terrorists such as Hamas and developing its own nuclear capability—all while the U.S. waits in vain for Tehran to sign the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear deal”. Truss asks a question whether it was any wonder these regimes have proceeded “with impunity” when their actions haven’t properly been called out by others.

“During the Cold War, the U.S. led an alliance of the free world, including the U.K. and Japan, in controlling exports to China and the communist countries of Eastern Europe. The U.S. should lead the free world again in ensuring we aren’t exporting technology or goods that could be used against us—an economic NATO,” the former British PM added.

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