Two Special Meaning Icons Suddenly Disappeared From Hrodna Church In Belarus

  • 8.10.2023, 12:18

Hrodna icons irritated the local Lukashists.

Two icons of the New Martyrs, who suffered in the 20th century from the Bolshevik regime, disappeared from the Holy Intercession Cathedral in Hrodna, writes the Khrystsiyanskaia Vizia Telegram channel.

The icons were placed in the central nave of the temple in 2006. There were eight of them in total. They depicted priests during their martyrdom for Christ. The executioners - Red Army soldiers and NKVD officers - are dressed in uniforms.

Two of the eight icons closest to the altar icons have disappeared. They depict the holy martyrs Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv (martyred in 1918) and Metropolitan Benjamin of Petrograd Veniamin (executed in 1922).

As Khrystsiyanskaia Vizia reports, Hrodna icons have always irritated the local authorities and the Yabatki [dictator Lukashenka followers - Ed.]. But the church for a long time ignored demands to remove the icons.

Officially, the Hrodna diocese did not comment on the disappearance of the icons.

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