Simonyan Crossed Herself As She Calls For Dropping Nuclear Bombs On Siberia

  • 3.10.2023, 15:30

The propagandist said that she saw no other way out.

Kremlin propagandist Margarita Simonyan called for a nuclear explosion over Siberia and said she “sees no other way out.”

“If we carry out a thermonuclear explosion hundreds of kilometers away on our own territory, then there will be nothing on earth. Nothing bad. Neither nuclear winter, which everyone is afraid of, nor monstrous radiation that will kill everyone around,” she said in the “CHTD” show.

According to her, the “nuclear ultimatum” will be the key to resolving the military conflict in Ukraine.

“They won’t give up until they’re in a lot of pain. Until they understand this imminent threat, they will not stop. And there will be instructors, and “instructors,” and long-range missiles, and fighters,” Simonyan added.

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