Armenia Speaks Of Withdrawal From CSTO

  • 2.10.2023, 9:37

The country's authorities have been reminded of Moscow's anti-Armenian stance.

Some public and political forces have begun to talk about a radically new international course for Armenia. Official Yerevan has been urged to withdraw from organisations linked to the Russian Federation and to apply for membership of the European Union.

The Armenian authorities have called for withdrawal from the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO), the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

"These days, the anti-Armenian attitude and policy of the Russian authorities, whose victims are the Armenian people of Artsakh, are not only bad, but also further deepen the rift between Armenia and Russia in recent years, making it almost insurmountable, which creates an urgent need for a radical revision of the entire existing treaty-legal framework between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation," Radio Svoboda reported.

At the same time, the authors of the appeal equated the situation in Karabakh with the war against Ukraine and the genocide of Ukrainians. They also called on Yerevan to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court without reservations.

The statement also refers to an appeal to the EU for full membership, as well as the signing of strategic partnership agreements with EU countries, the US, Canada and India, and the deepening of military and military-technical cooperation with Western countries.

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