Rally To Support Andrzej Poczobut Held Near Belarusian Consulate In Bialystok

  • 17.01.2023, 3:42

Photo fact.

On January 16, a rally of solidarity with famous Hrodna journalist and member of the Union of Poles in Belarus, Andrzej Poczobut, who is on trial in Hrodna, as well as with all political prisoners in Belarus, was held in Bialystok.

The rally was held near the consulate of the Republic of Belarus in the street, which has recently been called "Free Belarus," reports Belsat.

We remind that on January 16, the Hrodna Regional Court started the proceedings against Andrzej Poczobut, a famous Hrodna journalist and a member of the Union of Poles in Belarus. The trial had been repeatedly postponed. It was scheduled first for November 28th, then January 9th and finally for January 16th, 2023. The trial is conducted by Judge Dzmitry Bubenchyk.

The trial against Andrzej Poczobut will be held behind closed doors, so insisted the prosecutor's office. At first, only relatives and several activists were allowed into the trial. Later they were all kicked out.

The political prisoner is accused of calling for restrictive measures, aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus (Part 3 Article 361 of the Criminal Code), and in fomenting social discord (Part 3 Article 130 of the Criminal Code).

Andrzej Poczobut has been behind bars for a year and ten months. During this time he was offered to go abroad in exchange for his release, and several times - to write a petition for pardon, but the journalist refused. He now faces up to 12 years in prison.

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