How Ukraine Gave Battle To Russian Aggressors On March 1

  • 1.03.2022, 16:34

(This is a developing story, more to come) The sixth day of the war.

For the sixth day in a row, the brave Ukrainians are fighting the Russian occupiers. Kyiv holds the line. Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Sumy remain under the control of Ukraine. In the northern, northeastern, eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, fighting with the Russian aggressor continues. The army of the Russian Federation is experiencing a number of problems. First of all, with the delivery of fuel, as well as the motivation of personnel.

The website is covering the events of the sixth day of the war live. You can see what was happening in Ukraine until 16:30 on March 1 in our previous online report.

Ukraine 24 TV channel, special broadcast

23:46 80,000 people have returned to Ukraine from abroad. Ukrainian citizens who worked abroad are joining the ranks of the Armed Forces.

23:45 Belarusian Radzivon Batulin, who is now fighting on the side of Ukraine, commented on Ukrainian TV. He turned to the mothers, sisters and wives of the Belarusian soldiers, who are now locked up on the border with Ukraine and all sources of information have been taken away.

23:37 The situation report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Russia’s invasion on the evening of March 1 has been published.

23:30 An incomplete mechanized battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kharkiv destroyed one of the most elite brigades of the Russian Armed Forces. More than 30 units of military equipment were demolished.

23:21 Not far from the Bashtanka of the Mykolaiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the equipment of the Russian invaders. The locals drove some of them from the village.

23:10 Apple has stopped selling all equipment in the official online store in Russia. It is now impossible to buy watches, iPhones, or macbooks.

23:00 Putin banned the export of foreign cash in the amount of more than $10,000 from the Russian Federation.

22:52 The captured Russian occupier spoke about the atrocities in his army: officers finish off their wounded soldiers, leave the dead on the battlefield, do not take away the corpses, do not notify relatives.

22:41 Thousands of programmers with their families are fleeing Belarus right now. Up to 80% of the entire Belarusian IT industry will disappear.

22:30 Zelensky, commenting on the margin of safety of the Ukrainian side in the war against Russia, is sure that the nation will fight to the end. At the same time, in his opinion, the war should not last long.

22:23 The International Tennis Federation removed Belarus from team tournaments. This is due to Lukashenka's assistance to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

22:12 Ukrainians and Belarusians in Warsaw came with protests to the house where Russian diplomats live. Attention, foul language.

22:01 In Russia, the work of thousands of cafes was paralyzed: checks tell the truth about the war in Ukraine.

21:51 A new trophy: the Armed Forces of Ukraine recaptured the powerful Solntsepek flamethrower system from the occupiers.

21:40 BMW stops the production of its automobiles at Avtotor in Kaliningrad, and also stops shipping automobiles on the Russian market.

21:31 As a reader from Kobryn, Brest region, told, the military registration and enlistment offices are sending summons and call those liable for military service.

21:20 The Nord Stream 2 operator has declared bankruptcy. Nord Stream 2 AG has already dismissed its staff of 106 people.

21:13 Well-known Belarusian resuscitator Maksim Acharetni, who was dismissed from the post of head physician of the Minsk Children's Hospital No. 3 for political reasons, is working in Odesa during the war, saving the wounded.

21:02 Today, there were failures at some cash desks in Homel, and then the cash desks began to issue checks with the lines “No to war” at the end.

20:53 The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced that Russia was preparing a provocation to justify the use of Belarusian troops in Ukraine. The scouts found approximately 300 Belarusian tanks near the border.

20:40 The European Parliament recognized Ukraine's European perspective by voting for the resolution calling for granting Ukraine the status of an EU candidate.

20:32 The Ukrainian warriors of the 14h Knyazov brigade destroyed two squadrons of the Russian occupiers. Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine captured a whole bus with the invaders.

20:25 A powerful message from a Ukrainian mother to Belarusians about what could happen to their children.

20:17 Belarusians have declared a “Rail War” against the Russian occupiers. The country's residents remembered the glorious deeds of the Belarusian partisans.

20:06 Polish retailers are removing Belarusian and Russian goods from the shelves. The largest one, Biedronka, has announced that it will no longer sell goods of Belarusian manufacturers. A similar decision was made with regard to products from Russia and Belarus by the Polish branch of the French Carrefour chain, Zabka and Rossmann chain stores.

20:00 Canada prohibits Russian ships from entering its ports and territorial waters. The ban will take effect shortly.

19:49 After containing cyberattacks by the Russian Federation, Ukrainian IT specialists went on the offensive. The first cyber war in world history is unfolding before our very eyes.

19:34 Five people died and five were wounded as a result of a missile strike on the Kyiv TV tower.

19:22 In Homel, there is panic among the people. The locals are queuing at the train station, trying to get out to another city due to the threat of war.

19:15 The Armed Forces of Ukraine may deliver a preventive missile strike on the territory of Belarus.

19:10 22, 21, 20, 19... This is not counting down, this is the average age of the Russian invaders who are now in Ukrainian captivity.

18:59 “They betrayed us all, recruited a thousand of reservists, just took us and didn’t say a word.” More revelations of the captured Russians.

18:53 In Konotop, the locals are showing the Russian military what awaits them.

18:38 The unleashed war against Ukraine put an end to foreign investment in Russia. According to Bloomberg, the wave of sanctions imposed against the country in response to the invasion of Ukraine made financial managers wary that Russia's financial collapse will last for years.

18:30 Siarhei Dyleuskі, the leader of the Belarusian Workers' Association, addressed the Belarusians on the eve of possible aggression of Lukashenka's troops on the territory of Ukraine.

18:21 Oleksi Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, said that FSB representatives who do not want to participate in a bloody war handed over some information to the Ukrainian authorities. Thanks to this information, the elite Kadyrov's group, which went to Ukraine to eliminate the president, was destroyed. "They were divided into two groups, we have been monitoring them. One group was seized in Hostomel, another is now under sight. No one will get our president or country. This is our land, get out of here, go away” he stated in the air of the RadaTV Channel.

18:15 Explosions are heard near the TV tower in Kyiv.

18:11 The Ukrainian businessman Viktor Pinchuk's company produced 96 anti-tank hedgehogs within two days. They have already been transported across the Dnipropetrovsk region for the arrangement of defense fortifications. This was reported on the company's Facebook page.

17:58 Journalist Elena Chichenina published fresh photos from Bucha near Kyiv, which was subjected to shelling and ground attack by Russian occupiers.

17:56 An enemy aircraft was shot down over Kharkiv. The aircraft was bombarding residential areas of the city. According to the preliminary information from Tetyana Tsybulnyk, the head of the Administration of the Novobavarski district, the aircraft crashed near the Losk market, it was shot down. Specifically, this aircraft bombed the apartment house on the prospectus Novobavarski avenue. At least 8 people died.

17:51 Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, said that the Ukrainian leadership became aware of the special operation of Kadyrov's people to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The entire "elite" unit of Kadyrov's people was liquidated.

18:02 На Харьковском направлении полностью уничтожена российская колонна.

17:48 The Ukrainian military destroyed one more convoy of the Russian occupiers near Mykolaiv.

17:45 Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova said that war crimes of the Russian Federation investigation launched at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

17:33 Anton Herashchenko, the adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, published a video showing a convoy of Russian ambulances near Mazyr. The video was taken yesterday.

17:31 The consequences of the attack by Putin's militaries in Kharkiv.

17:18 The Russian army shelled residential areas of Mariupol. As a result, several houses along Shevchenka Boulevard and school No. 16 in the same area were damaged. In addition, residential buildings in the Livi Bereg area, as well as the territory of the Kommunalnik communal enterprise, were again subjected to shelling.

17:07 Adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Herashchenko, referring to his own sources in Belarus, said that in Mazyr all hospitals are overflowing with wounded Russians, and two ambulances trains have been brought from the Russian Federation for evacuation.

16:58 The Ukrainian Army received a new trophy. Irpin/Bucha.

16:56 The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq have suspended trading in shares of Yandex, Ozon and many other Russian companies.

16:53 Hungry Russian soldiers robbed a rural shop in the village of Bobrovytsia in the Chernihiv region.

16:51 Here is a video showing the destruction of the convoy of Russian military vehicles near Chernihiv. The Ukrainian military destroyed the convoy together with the police yesterday. The police express their gratitude to the local residents who help Ukrainian fighters with transport and fuel

16:46 New NLAW and Javelin complexes arrived in Ukraine.

16:45 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has blocked the access of Russia and Belarus to its finance.

16:43 The Ukrainians from the Territorial Defense caught and captured another Putin's invader. The second occupant abandoned his "comrade" and fled.

16:24 Belarusian volunteers recorded an appeal to the militaries of Belarus. They urged to switch sides and to join Ukraine to surrender at least, as a last resort. The Ukrainian side promises political asylum in Ukraine or any European country.

16:20 The citizens of the Mykolaiv region stopped a column of the Russian military vehicles.

16:15 They want to block truthful information about the events in Ukraine for Belarusians.

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