AFU Take Entire Russian Grouping In Kherson ‘Mousetrap’ Under Fire Control

  • 22.10.2022, 8:54

The invaders suffer huge losses when trying to cross from the right bank of the Dnieper.

The occupation authorities issued an order to prepare the evacuation from Kherson for the so-called “banking institutions”. We are talking about the actual escape of the invaders and their henchmen from Kherson.

All this is happening against the backdrop of a counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the entire front line in the Kherson region. In several directions: Dudchany-Beryslav, Davydiv Brid-Kherson. In the event of further successful advancement of the Ukrainian military, the Russian group on the right bank of the Dnieper (up to 15,000 personnel) may find itself in an operational encirclement. The Russians understand this very well. So they retreat.

In addition, the enemy has serious problems with logistics. Not only in connection with the fire control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine over key bridges and crossings across the Dnieper, but also due to partial damage to the Crimean bridge.

As a result, the “shoulder” for the supply of ammunition, fuel and lubricants, and manpower has significantly increased. All this began to arrive in the occupied south of mainland Ukraine much later than before.

Now the right bank of the Dnieper is under the fire control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On the Antonivsky bridge in Kherson and on the crossing built near it by the occupiers, on the evening of October 20, a fire defeat was inflicted. According to information from the scene, at that time equipment and manpower of the Russian invaders were moving along the crossing.

On the eve, Crimean collaborator Sergei Aksenov and the deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia Sergei Kiriyenko inspected both the Antonivsky Bridge and the crossing.

After the fall of Davydiv Brid — a key point of Russian defense in the Kherson region — it became clear that the Ukrainian troops would continue the successful nature of the advance.

Now the occupiers are hastily creating a second line of defense in the Kherson region, 5 km away. Additional fortifications are also being erected within the city itself.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, up to 2,000 Russian mobilized soldiers arrived in the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region to make up for losses and strengthen units.

However, the statements of local Gauleiters, as well as the commander of the Russian occupation forces, Surovikin, testify that the Russian side understands the meagerness of the chances to stay on the right bank of the Dnieper.

As of today, the threat of the occupation troops moving into the industrial regions of the Dnipropetrovsk region and in the direction of Mykolaiv (with access to Odesa) has been neutralized.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted regular strikes on the command posts and warehouses of the occupying troops. In the area of Borozensky, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the enemy control and observation post. Ukrainian assault aviation continues to work actively in the southern direction. It was used 7 times, hitting enemy air defense positions, accumulation of equipment, and ammunition depots. Missile and artillery subunits completed almost 110 fire missions.

The successful suppression of Russian air defense systems in the Kherson region also continues. Over the past week, several launch positions of the invaders have been destroyed, in particular with the use of American radar missiles. This is what allows us to talk about the further successful advancement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the south of mainland Ukraine.

Dmytro Snehirev, Glavred

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