Operation “Heat”: Cyber Partisans Gained Access to the Phones of All Special Services of Belarus

  • 29.08.2021, 22:03

Cyber partisans-patriots hacked the phone databases of all operators.

Cyber partisans got access to the phones of all special services of Belarus.

“Now the "Supratsiu" movement has at its disposal all the telephone numbers of weaklings, operatives, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB, all the special services, and the regime's naggers. As proof, we attach the phone numbers of Viktar Lukashenka, Sheiman, and some other accomplices of the dictator.

We know you all, and all your data will go to And when the regime collapses, you will have to try to escape very quickly because it's quite easy to track you down, and no one will escape responsibility," the Cyber partisans warn.

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