‘Basta!’: Time To Return Officials Into Real World

  • 6.03.2020, 16:46

Now they live in their own isolated little world.

In Poland, starting March 1, store owners who throw away products instead of giving them to the needy will pay high fines, writes ‘Basta!’ Telegram channel. Large retailers and store owners must coordinate with non-governmental organizations. The latter will be given free food that has not been sold but is still suitable for consumption. At the moment, the regulation applies to stores with an area of more than 400 square meters, but ultimately it will cover larger stores.

And what about Belarus?

It is no secret that dozens of thousands of people in our country are looking for food in urban landfills and in garbage bins. Those who are more “shabby” hunt for the food products that hypermarkets dispose of because of their expired shelf life. But recently, this loophole has closed. Hypermarkets are forbidden to give “delayed” goods to the homeless and needy. Where do they go? We don’t know, most likely - back to the shelves with a new shelf life sticker glued on top. At least, so say those who are familiar with the internal life of Minsk stores.This is the essence of today's authorities. For them, greed and thirst for profit comes in the first place, caring for people - in the last. It’s better to throw away spoiled foods or sell them by deceiving customers, than handing them out to those in need.

Why does it happen?

Because the authorities do not care about us all. They live in their own isolated little world, eat high-quality products, drive expensive cars, and are treated in special hospitals. The further - the less often our worlds intersect.

Everything would be fine, there is no great desire to see snickering officials in everyday life. But all their benefits come at our expense, our salaries, scholarships, pensions go to them. Therefore, we still have to see them once for the last time. To return them to the real world. Our world.

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