I Wish The Whole Country Lived Like That!

  • Anastasia Zelenkova
  • 6.03.2020, 16:00

Ah, how great Lukashenka's houses look with a bird's-eye view!

Ah, how great Lukashenka's houses look with a bird's-eye view! It's clean everywhere, sports grounds, tennis courts, fountains, greenhouses... The summer cottages, each more beautiful than the last, scattered along the perimeter. A thing of beauty!

If all this had not belonged to one person, it would have been easy to put Lukashenka's residences in Zaslaul or the summer cottage in Drazdy on the list of exemplary households. It seems that Lukashenka has succeeded in putting things in order only there.

As for the rest of Belarus, things are not as good as on Lukashenka's owned land plots.

For comparison, the summer cottage in Drazdy and OAO Shchedrinskaye, Zhlobin district. One wants to live in the first one, while workers from the second one. Those who can't escape go to the local shop to buy food on credit. The debt is paid after the salary, which, by the way, is 102 rubles ("rich" have as much as 360).

Or take a residence in Zaslaul, where famous Lukashenka's elite sheep live, and the farm Agrogorodok breeds calves. A veterinarian working out the placement was very surprised to see how animals are treated.

Of course, we can say that Aliaksandr Ryhoravich is a born master; that is why his property looks beautiful. There's a reason after all why he tries to impart his skills to careless collective farm chairmen who can't even do anything without him. But there are some inconsistencies here.

It seems that it's not about careless agrarians who do not want to listen to a piece of advice of a "great economic person". Otherwise, how one can explain the absence of Merkel or Trump in the cowsheds allows farmers there to earn more than $ 50, paid here in Shchedrinskaye.

"Despair and hopelessness" this is how Shchedrinskaye workers described their life.

However, the same thoughts arise when one looks at Lukashenka's summer cottages.

Anastasia Zelenkova, Salidarnasts

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