Kastsevich: You Don't Have To Take Maternity Leave For Three Years

  • 6.03.2020, 8:11

The Minister of Labor holds herself as an example.

Minister of Labor Iryna Kastsevich on the air of the ONT TV channel provided data on the number of women who go to work before the child reaches three years.

"The maternity leave to take care of a child under the age of three - it's not an obligation to take three years, it's a right. It's up to everyone to decide how to exercise this right. I had my first child - the maternity leave was two years, my second child - a year and four months, and I came back to work. It's a woman's own decision. You can't, of course, argue convincingly about that. We looked at the figures - only 3% of the women on maternity leave returned to work full-time earlier than required. Here we have to raise the problem of kindergartens".

The programme host asked the minister why she did not have a third child. Iryna Kastsevich answered that the second child is her husband's wish and that after time she regrets that she did not dare to give birth to the third child.

Iryna Kastsevich admitted that there are not enough nursery groups where one can give a child under three years old, but this problem requires consideration.

"Today 68 thousand children under three years old attend kindergartens. There is an imbalance that requires consideration and study. But that's a right. If a woman is aimed at the family, children, career development, it can be ensured. The main thing is that there is a desire," - the minister said.

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